The following pages are tagged with

Installation This page will walk you through the installation of Kover.
Interpreting Kover models This tutorial will show how actionable biological insight can be extracted from Kover models.
Learning with various rule-based models and model selection strategies This tutorial will walk you through the process of learning models with Set Covering Machines and Classification Trees using cross-validation and bound selec...
Packaging genomic and phenotypic data into a Kover dataset This tutorial will how to package your data into a format that is usable with Kover.
An introduction to Kover with Set Covering Machines This tutorial will show how to use Kover with the Set Covering Machine algorithm.
Tutorials The following tutorials are available: Packaging your data into a Kover dataset (coming soon) Quick: an introduction to Kover with Set Covering Machines Advanced: learning with various rule-based models and model selection strategies Interpretation of Kover models
Introduction Overview Kover is an out-of-core implementation of rule-based machine learning algorithms that has been tailored for genomic biomarker discovery. It produces highly interpretable models, based on k-mers, that explicitly highlight genotype-to-phenotype associations. Given groups of phenotipically distinct individuals represented by their genomes, Kover seeks an intelligible model that accurately...